Diary Entry Thirty-Four


Dear Diary,

I promise I am still alive! I feel like a broken record because I keep saying I’m sorry for not posting lately, and I know I keep making excuses, saying I’m busy and blahh blahh blahh, so I’m not going to do that again. I will however give you guys an update.

We have already made it through two months of 2018! Woo hoo! Which means I survived my first workout program! I am proud to say that I stuck to it very well and hardly strayed! I did see some results which makes me very happy and is pushing me to continue to do what I am doing!

My goal was to release March’s workout program today but, I decided to collab with my friend, Coach T, to get some new ideas for this month. We were able to create todays upper body workout and I LOVE it! I cannot wait to share it with you guys! I am also looking forward to creating the rest of the program because I am just so excited about customizing my workouts and sharing them!

Another update that I would like to share is that lately I have been working on myself more and not just physically. My mental state has always been an area that I need to work on. What I mean is, I am typically an anxious person. I worry about everything. I always prepare for the worst and I sometimes struggle to keep my emotions in check. In order to try and fix this aspect of my life I have started listening to self help audio books in the car while I commute to school. I have also started stating morning mantras to help myself get in a good mindset right off the bat in the morning. The two that I currently say are, “You are stronger than you think” and “Everything I am searching for is already inside of me”. I have noticed a tremendous difference in my attitude and thought process lately. Things that used to bother me before now roll off my back. No I’m not 100% “fix” but it sure is helping.

The self-help books I have “read” so far are:

  • You are a Badass by Jen Sincero
  • The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson
  • The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman

I highly suggest each one of these. They were all amazing! I will be sure to share more with you are I continue to “read” more books.

I hope that you all can be patient with me for a little longer while I continue to figure out how to balance my time better. I really do love writing these posts, sharing information and experiences, and just being able to reach out and share my story and journey with others.

I love you all so much!

XOXO, Wannabe Fit Girl


Diary Entry Thirty-Three

_I am the type of person that either gives it 110% or...10%._

Dear Diary,

No. I have not forgotten about you. First I know I do not have to explain myself to you, but I want to. The reason for my absence? Life man. Juggling school, work, a relationship and just being a good daughter made me have to put this blog on the back burner. I do not like having to do this. I started this blog to share my journey, and because I love to write. Leading to my second point. The reason for my long over due post? I’m about to get real with you.  Continue reading

Diary Entry Thirty-One


Dear Diary,

It’s finally Friday! That means you have reached the final workout of my program! If you stuck around all week, thank you and bless your soul! Before I give you Friday’s workout I want to remind you that each days workout is to be repeated until the end of February. Once March rolls around I will have a whole new program made up! I already have ideas for it and I am so excited! If you guys have any suggestions/requests just let me know either in the comment section of any of the workout program blog posts, any of the workout program Instagram posts or you can email them to me at diaryofawannabefitgirl@gmail.com. I look forward to seeing results for myself and to maybe hear any results that you guys have from doing this program! Without further a due, here is Friday’s workout…oh and just an fyi, it’s exactly like Monday’s, so if you rocked it Monday you can do it again!  Continue reading